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The Bibliophile Confessions

I'm Inah. 20 years old and I read books for passion.

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Haunting Joy (Haunting Joy, #1)

Haunting Joy (Haunting Joy, #1) - Lena Goldfinch This book was a fun read. I liked the overall concept of the story. It’s easy to follow and it’s very interesting.

I liked Joy’s character. She’s easy to relate to. Nick’s character is also likeable. I like the guy and the fact that he and Joy got to hang out made me really happy, because from reading the prequel, Chain Reaction, I knew that there’s definitely something to anticipate regarding their relationship.

I wished I’d seen more of Em’s character though, I think she could have been a great character.

I’ve read the sneak peek of the sequel and I think I’m going to have a great time reading it!

Review also posted on The Bibliophile Confessions

*Copy received from the Author/Publisher in exchange of reviews*