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The Bibliophile Confessions

I'm Inah. 20 years old and I read books for passion.

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The Leveller
Julia Durango
Six Strings (Volume 1)
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The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks
E. Lockhart

Let's Get Lost

Let's Get Lost - Adi Alsaid I absolutely like this book. It's one of my most anticipated reads for this year and I'm very glad to have been granted an opportunity to read this book. It's full of adventures and different stories about finding yourself and finding home.

The book is basically about Leila finding herself and her past by taking a trip across America. Majority of the book was told in the POVs of the people that she met and helped changed their lives.

The first one, Hudson was pretty much uptight. His relationship with Leila can be described as an instant-love kind of thing and I really wish that they were given sufficient background as a foundation for their romance but I really loved what happened to their story at the end.

Next was Bree, she's a real happy-go-lucky girl and very adventurous. I enjoyed her POV and her adventures with Leila. Her back story was really interesting and it's really satisfying to see the conlusion of her story.

Elliot's POV was my favorite.I was instantly drawn into his story. His love for 80's movies was just too adorable and I loved the movie references throughout his part. I just love his persistence and willpower.

Sonia's story was too heartfelt and lovely. It's a mix of drama and comedy. I found Stoner Timmy's character as confusing but really funny. The conclusion of her story was really touching.

The last part was in Leila's POV. This was one of the best parts of the book. From there, a deeper explanation about Leila's character was given. It was also touching and somehow fun and satisfying to read. Dee's character was really adorable. I love her character being firm and strong for a girl of her age. Leila's story was a great conclusion to the novel.

Overall, this book is very enjoyable to read. I've seen mixed reviews about this book though, but not once have I thought about putting the book down and not finishing it. I think that this book focuses more on the journeys of one person in life rather than the places themselves because the places that Leila has been in the book wasn't really described in detailed and no popular landmarks were really mentioned in the novel.I think that the book depicted a good representation of how a person finds himself/herself in different ways.

Review also posted at The Bibliophile Confessions