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The Bibliophile Confessions

I'm Inah. 20 years old and I read books for passion.

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Enders - Lissa Price I was too eager to finish this book because I really enjoyed reading Starters. I had put down this book so many times, although unintentionally, because of school works. Fortunately today, I've finally had the chance to finish it.

With the destruction of Prime, Callie hoped to live a normal life with her brother, Tyler and friend, Michael, but The Old Man has still got a hold of her because of her chip. Determined to bring down The Old Man, she sets out a mission to bring him down for once.

It's pretty obvious Callie wants her chip removed from her brain but there's the risk of losing connection with her father and of course, the risk of losing her head because of the explosive incorporated to the chip. I really loved Callie's character development. For me, she's one of the best female leads in this genre.

I also liked how Michael's character seemed to prove himself worthy of all the actions in this book. His character was more exposed in this book compared to the first one.

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Hyden's character was a big surprise for me. I used to ship Callie with Michael but upon Hyden's appearance, I just don't know anymore. He's really intriguing but amazing. His character was just this big suckerpunch hitting me square in the jaw.

I absolutely loved this book. It's very much action-packed, thrilling and intriguing. The best part was the slight lack of romance between the characters which really emphasized the story. Although, there were some times where I found myself gushing over Hyden and Callie, or Michael sometimes. I just don't know and I don't really care who she ends up with because I believe that Callie is a strong character and doesn't need a back-up character to define her strengths for her.

I loved the twists and turns in the book. It's just an amazing conclusion but I kind of felt that the ending was a bit rushed, especially with the way Callie handled the enemy. It was freaking badass, but I really felt that it was rushed. But still, badass. Hahaha!

This book will most definitely be enjoyed by fans of science fiction and dystopia.